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Learn About 'As You Like It' 

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About Us

Hello! Thanks for joining us here. We're a new theatre company that specialises in Actor-Musician productions. The founding members: Ed, Harry, Madeleine and Persia all trained at the Guildford School of Acting and as part of Jupiter Theatre, are passionate about inspiring young people and helping them forge careers in the Arts. We are at heart an actor-musician theatre company, but also so much more- we take original scores, live music, theatre, dance, and stage combat, and jumble it all together so you can't tell where one ends and the next begins. We would like to welcome you into the world of As You Like It, which we staged in 2022. We hope you can use this page to learn about the production, and find out more about what it is like to work as part of a touring Shakespeare production.

About the Show

As You Like It follows the story of Rosalind as she flees the royal court of her tyrannus uncle to seek out her father, who is in exile in the Forest Of Arden. She disguises herself as a young man, called Ganymede, and, along with her cousin Celia, begins to settle into the forest. She is also followed by Orlando, who has fallen in love with her. She decides to test Orlando, and gets him to woo her despite him not knowing that she is, in fact, Rosalind herself. Meanwhile, her father, Duke Senior, lives happily in the forest, accompanied by a Melancholy Lord, Jaques. As You Like It is full of wonderfully witty dialogue, beautiful poetry, soaring music and classic comedy.


​Our original score mixes folk music with elements of rock and jazz to create the glorious atmosphere of a forest in spring, and the warmth and longing of love. The score is played live by our cast of 6 actor musicians.

Cast and Characters


Played by Kirsty Nunn

Rosalind is Duke Senior’s daughter. She is strong-willed, intelligent, independent and kind. When she is sent into exile, she disguises herself as a young man (Ganymede) teaches the man she loves how to ‘woo’ her!


Played by Alex Mallalieu

Orlando is Oliver’s brother, and the youngest son of the late Sir Rowland de Bois. While taking part in a wrestling match, Orlando sees and falls in love with Rosalind. After learning of a plot to kill him, he also flees to the Forest of Arden where he meets Rosalind in disguise. He is brave, smart and chivalrous.

Amiens loves to sing and is a joyful lord who follows Duke Senior into exile.


Played by Eleanor Turiansky

Jaques accompanies Duke Senior into exile in the Forest of Arden. Jaques is a melancholy and solitary but loyal figure.


Le Beau is a courtier of Duke Frederick’s.


Charles is a wrestler in Duke Frederick’s court. Charles fights Orlando and is beaten.


Played by Ruth Brotherton

Touchstone is a jester in Duke Frederick’s court. Touchstone falls in love with a country-girl named Audrey.


Silvius is a Shepherd who is in love with Phoebe, although she does not feel the same. In the end, he wins her love.


Oliver is Orlando’s brother, whom he dislikes. However, after being tasked with finding Orlando in the Forest of Arden, his brother saves his life when he is confronted by a lioness. This prompts him to be a better person, and he subsequently falls in love with Celia who is disguised as a simple shepherdess.


Played by Trudy Ward

Celia is Rosalind’s cousin and the daughter of Duke Frederick. Celia follows Rosalind into exile disguised as a shepherdess named Aliena. Celia is loving and loyal, falling in love with Oliver at the end of the play.


Adam is the loyal and devoted former servant of the late Sir Rowland de Bois. He accompanies Orlando into exile.


Phebe is a shepherdess who is sought after by Silvius. She does not return his affections and instead falls in love with Ganymede (Rosalind in disguise!). In the end, Phebe marries Silvius.


Played by Jacob Leeson

Duke Senior is the rightful ruler of the dukedom where As You Like It is set. He is the brother of Duke Frederick and the father of Rosalind. Duke Senior lives in exile in the Forest of Arden, living with a group of loyal men.


Duke Frederick is a cruel and volatile man who usurped his brother for the throne. 


Corin is a shepherd and friend of Silvius.

Musical Numbers

Here you can see the music that was composed especially for our production of 'As You Like It', which we hope to add recordings of soon. We create an original score for all our productions, working together to create exciting and emotive music. If you’d like to explore the music we have created for previous productions, you can click HERE to visit our youtube channel.

Music composed by Madeleine Wilshire.

Additional composition by Persia Babayan-Taylor, Ed Tunningley & Harry Edwin

Act 1
Let's Get Ready to Rumble
The Wrestling Match
Frederick has Had Enough
Rosalind and Celia's Escape
We Meet Duke Senior
Under the Greenwood Tree
Food Fight
All the World's a Stage
Blow, Blow, Thou Winter Wind
The Love Letters

Act 2

Orlando and Rosalind 'Get Married'
A Little Drunk, Deer?
Oliver Brings Much News
It's Rosalind!
The Wedding Dance


Photo by Jordanne Wood - The Tica Project

Team Member Interview

Meet Ruth Brotherton, who was a cast member in the 'As You Like It' project. Here you can learn about her experience working within a touring company and read about her journey into the arts.

What was your role in ‘As You Like It’ project and what was your favourite thing about it?


I was lucky enough to play three characters! They were Oliver, Touchstone and Silvius. I can’t lie, I loved playing the evilness of Oliver, and also his pettiness! It was fun because he has such a contrast by the end of the play. Touchstone was just a fun character in every aspect. He’s the fool so he gets to break the 'fourth wall', tease the other characters and do whatever he wants really - that was very freeing to play! What I loved about Silvius, in contrast to Touchstone, is that he’s hilarious, without even trying. There was so much humour to be found in his unwavering love for Phebe, which was really enjoyable to act.

What is your favourite thing about the play?

I remember in rehearsals, we discussed the idea that the play felt like a collection of comedy sketches that Shakespeare had written, perhaps separately, and then put together. There were so many entertaining scenes, both to watch and perform. One of the best things about putting on a comedy is in rehearsals seeing how the humour is found in each scene, through the lines, choreography and improvisation.

When did you decide you wanted to become a performer, and what steps did you take to become one?

From an early age I was performing in dance shows and drama classes, however I didn’t decide to pursue it until I was about 16/17. I lost a lot of confidence with performing in my teenage years, although I thoroughly enjoyed it through dance lessons and playing my instruments. It was through a drama group outside of school with a very supportive atmosphere and people who taught me about drama school and how to apply, that I decided to become a performer. After plenty of research into drama schools I decided which ones I wanted to apply for, and with help from the drama group I prepared material for the auditions. I then got a place on the Actor Musician course at Guildford School of Acting, where I honed my skills and developed as a performer.

What is it like touring with a theatre production?

So much fun! You get to perform in so many beautiful venues across the country, as well as getting to explore the town/city you're performing in. You learn to adapt to different environments - our venues this year ranged from studio theatres inside to large outdoor spaces. It can be quite tiring, especially if you’re performing in several venues in one week, as well as getting all the set, costumes and instruments in and out of the venues. Personally I quite enjoyed being hands on and involved in several aspects of the process.

What's your favourite thing about performing on stage?

What I love about live theatre is that it’s never the same each performance, which helps it feel fresh. Also, having an audience right in front of you helps you to connect with them. Comedies especially, you can hear and feel their enjoyment, or even play off them. That is what is so unique and special about performing on stage.

What instruments do you play, and would you recommend playing an instrument to someone who hasn’t played one before?

I play flute, clarinet, saxophone and piano. If you’re able to get your hands on an instrument, definitely have a go at learning it! Finding an instrument that you connect with and playing it for enjoyment - nothing compares to it. Music connects us in a way nothing else can, and whether you learn through classical training or perhaps by ear, getting to play by yourself and with others is such a rewarding experience. It’s hard to explain, but I would 100% recommend it!

What advice would you give a young person who is interested in theatre, music or performing, but is unsure where to start?

Find someone or a group that is involved in what you’re interested in, maybe that’s at school, with friends, or ask a parent or guardian to research groups, local theatre companies, instrumental teachers, orchestras or bands. Then the hardest, but most rewarding part is giving it a go. It might be a bit of trial and error, but you won’t know until you try it, and part of performing is putting yourself out there and having fun!

Accessible Video

Here you can learn more about the show, the characters, the set and performers! Please click on the 'play' button below.


This production is supported using public funding by the National Lottery through Arts Council England.

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